
Twister Quilt

June pieced this darling Twister quilt. I think this pattern is so cool, some day I want to make my own twister quilt. 
June brought it to me for some custom machine quilting, I had quilted a Twister Quilt for Sheila back in the fall and June loved how I quilted it, so I quilted hers the same.
I really love how it turned out, the machine quilting added some fun movement to the quilt.
Thanks for letting me have fun with your Twister Quilt June!


  1. I love how you quilted the twisters and the swirls in the background are awesome!

  2. I am in love! Love the colors, love the fabric, love the pattern, love the quilting! It is beautiful!

  3. Oh, me too! One of these days I would like to make one. They look like a lot of fun. I like the colors of this one and love how your quilting adds to it. The sense of movement is awesome.

  4. The quilting has really added to this great twister quilt. The colors are amazing. I have made a couple using the twister ruler but my colors were not as great as these.

  5. I have only seen twister quilts in bright colors but I love the colors Sheila used and I love the quilting you did.

  6. Buonanotte dall'Italia!
    Mi piace molto il vostro blog, ho visto questo lavoro e ho pensato al mio piccolo quilt TwisterStar che aspetta nella scatola da tanti mesi. Spero che non vi dispiaccia se copio il vostro disegno Free Motions.

    Goodnight from Italy!
    I really like your blog, I have seen this work, and I thought my little quilt TwisterStar waiting in the box for many months. I hope you do not mind if I copy your design Free Motions.

    Questo รจ il post del mio blog:

  7. Love how you quilted this. I was wondering if you quilted each one independently, or if you traveled in the ditch to the next block?


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