

Today is the big day! I've been sew excited for this day for about 6 weeks or so. Kari from Ucreate asked me to be a guest blogger and share a tutorial on her darling blog!

So, my mom and I got to work and designed this darling quilt, Snuggle Snowmen.

I absolutely love how it turned out and I am so honored that Kari is letting me share it on her blog today!
There is a complete tutorial on Ucreate. Head on over there and check it out. I'd love to hear what you think. If you love it we do have kits available.
I have also shared this quilt with Amylouwho in her Sew & Tell.
Kari is also hosting a Holiday Boutique November 30-December 7, 2009 and we will be a part of that. Sew be sure to check it out!

Leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you.

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  1. So adorable!! I love it! Can't wait to make this one!
    Well done!

  2. I love it too, and may just have to make myself one!

  3. I absolutely LOVE this quilt! You are so creative and it is an honor having YOU on Ucreate today. Thank you!

  4. Congrats on getting featured as a guest blogger on Ucreate! The quilt is so cute! You and your mom make a great team! I wish my mom sewed so I could sew with her.

  5. Fantastic teamwork! Very cute pattern.

  6. Way to go! What an awesomely naughty little quilt...because all I can think of is the other snowpeople who are going to get pelted with all the snowballs from the huge ammo pile! Woo Hoo!

    It's a fabulous design and you should be very proud!


  7. Adorable! That about says it all!!!

  8. Super cute! Another great tutorial, thanks so much!

  9. How fun and congrats! I'll have to check out the tutorial.

  10. Gotta love a snowman family, even sweeter under their own quilt!

  11. So adorable. My grandsons would love a quilt with little snowmen. I'd better get started!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I LOVE SNOWMEN!!! This is really adorable!

  13. it's really cute! I love the bottom of the snowmen coming out the bottom of the quilt. :D Congrats on the Ucreate guest blog!

  14. Oh, that is adorable! Thanks for sharing it -- and congratulations!

  15. Congratulations!!! Great project. Thanks for sharing.


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