
Baby Quilt {machine quilting

Over the weekend I finished quilting this fun baby quilt for Jan. 
Jan asked that I quilt an all over pattern with something whimsical, so I machine quilted little teddy bears all over. It turned out so stinkin cute!
Thanks for letting me quilt for you Jan!

Hope you're all having a great Monday, I seriously can't believe that we are already more than halfway through September. Where the heck is the time going?

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  1. I couldn't agree more. Where is September gone too?? The quilting is adorable!!! Love the teddy bears!!

  2. Adorable quilt and quilting! Amazing job!!

  3. Love the colors! They make a great baby quilt!

  4. I love the neutral colors you chose!!

  5. Wonderful quilting, wonderful quilt! Thank you for sharing. And where has September gone, where has 2011 gone?? The year has just flown by.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.


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