

appSmitten: for android, iPhone and iPad
Even though I've had an iPad for over a year now and a smart phone for a few years I still feel like I'm trying to figure them out. I swear my 4 year old is better at using the iPad than my husband and I.
I recently learned about the newsletter appSmitten, so acting all smart n' stuff.... I pulled it up on the iPad. If you have an iPhone, iPad or android I'd highly recommend checking it out and signing up for their daily or weekly newsletter. Here is why I think it's cool...
After I signed up for the weekly newsletter I decided to browse around. 
The site is super simple to navigate and easy to find new apps.
For cool photography apps I clicked on the Smitten Lists at the top.
This brought me to a new page that shares the best photography apps for iPhone, iPad and Android, it's really cool because it shares which devices the app is available on and what the cost for each is. This is super nice for me since I do have an android phone and an iPad.
Super cool!

So what's cool about their newsletter, well once you've signed up you will receive a newsletter either weekly or daily, depending on what you sign up for, appSmitten then;
**appSmitten hand-selects the best apps and sends recommendations directly to your inbox.
**appSmitten focuses on finding the apps that are worth downloading - the ones that will keep you organized, entertained and productive, YAY!
**There are over 1 million apps out there and finding the best ones is like finding a needle in a haystack so appSmitten is doing it for you.
**appSmitten is a free newsletter that covers the best apps for iPhone, iPad and Android
**appSmitten offers bite-sized app recommendations from a trusted source so you don't have to go hunting to find good apps. 

**this is a sponsored review**
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  1. I get so confused with all that is out there, that looks like a good app. I got a few things and happy so far, but a pain to search and find things.


  2. I always go to our children for iphone lessons in fact one of my daughters said "mom you should just go back to a flip phone"


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