Hey there! I'm sure by now you've seen this adorable Sew On & Sew On block, I'm a couple days late in getting my block done this time. I've picked up some yucky stomach bug and been trying to rest so I'm feeling fabulous for my busy upcoming weekend. (I'll be at the Salt Lake City Modern Guild and filming some machine quilting videos with Jodie Davis for Quilt It.)
When I decided to to make my little Sew On block I decided to make a red sewing machine, I picked out and cut all of my fabrics, then I started sewing my machine together. As I sewed my machine I couldn't help but be reminded of the awesome sewing machine that I learned to sew on.
(photo credit: LkWhatTheCatDraggedN)
Shortly after I was born my mom went all out and bought a brand new Husqvarna Viking machine. She sewed a lot on that machine, it made quilts, clothing, drapes, dolls, wedding dresses, prom dresses, swimming suits, just about anything you could imagine my mom sewed on her Viking. Then when my sisters and I grew up she taught us to sew on that machine. It's all metal and worked, still does like a charm. Actually, after I got married my mom let me use her Viking and that's where I grew to love sewing and machine quilting, it's the machine I used until I bought my Bernina.
I had always heard my mom talk about how when she bought this machine it was such a big deal and it was so expensive at the time. When I started researching this machine today I found that when my mom bought this "classic" back in the 80's it would have cost her about $1,200, with inflation that's about $3,600 today. I just thought that was interesting. I also thought it was super interesting that this machine is now referred to as a "classic" that must mean that my body is now a "classic" as well. :)
Ha, so there's a random bit of information for the day!
So, are you ready to make your Sew On and Sew On block.
The girls over at Fat Quarter Shop have once again created a fun block with an excellent video tutorial.
You can also download the pattern for free here.
There is even a facebook group of the Snapshots Quilt Along, you can join that here.
Here is the link to my first block, if you want to check it out.
Don't forget to donate $5.00 for the pattern to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, don't forget that Fat Quarter Shop and Moda Fabrics will each match your donation up $10,000.
Make sure to stop by the following blogs
each month for some Snapshots inspiration. Also, don't forget to share your progress over on facebook, twitter & instagram using #fqssnapshots
Camille Roskelley of Thimble Blossoms
Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life
Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting
Thelma Childers of Cupcakes N' Daisies
Pam Viera-McGinnis of Pam Kitty Morning
Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs
Stephanie Kendron of The Modern Sewciety
Stephanie Kendron of The Modern Sewciety
Natalia Bonner of Piece N Quilt
Greg Jones of Grey Dogwood Studios
Greg Jones of Grey Dogwood Studios
Very cute Natalia!