
Machine Quilting and sewing........is dangerous!

Before I tell you about this beautiful quilt that I machine quilted yesterday I have to tell you about how dangerous sewing is!
Yesterday I was having a very productive day! Mondays are always great days for me because I always feel like I can get so much accomplished! So, I was moving right along when I somehow managed to get my finger under the needle in my sewing machine, yes, the needle broke off in my finger, it was a mess and it hurt like crazy! I stared at it for a moment and then I went and rinsed it off, pulled the needle out one side of my finger and the thread out the other side.
Luckily my hard-core boy scout little brother was there. He quickly grabbed all the supplies and saved the day,  he even calmed down my little girl who was hysterical!
He probably should have earned some merit badge for that! :)
Not to worry, I did go to the Dr. and I did get a tetanus shot!
Now, back to sewing!! :)

My sweet customer Gayle pieced this fun, four patch quilt.
She pieced the whole top from scraps! Pretty impressive!

I custom machine quilted it for it and I think it turned out really pretty.

The backing is an almost solid fabric so it really showed off the machine quilting.

Thanks for letting me machine quilt this fun quilt Gayle!

And don't worry, I was working on a project of my own when the needle was broken! :)

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  1. OUCH! (OK first BEAUTIFUL quilt!) the worst part is the healing of the finger!! They always throb and just well OUCH!! I would suggest NOT putting your fingers in the way! LOL

  2. Ouch! I've done that before - right through the nail and out the fingertip! That split second of horror, followed by the pulling out of the needle, is the worst!!

  3. My mother sewed draparies for a living and we had all the industrial machines. She always said rule #1 was "no bleeding on the fabric" regardless. Sorry to hear about your accident. Good thing your brother was around.

  4. What an unfortunate mishap! Your finger will be sore for awhile! Cute quilt. Just goes to show you that quilts don't always have to be ornate to be beautiful! The back is just as pretty as the front. ~karen

  5. Once when my son was little he crawled under my machine and pressed the foot pedal while I was threading it! I somehow managed to get out unscathed, but it really put some fear into me. Now..getting my fingers with the rotary cutter is another story!

  6. Oh.My. What a story! The needle out one side and the thread out the other????? Yikes!!

    The quilt is beautiful though, and glad you're okay!

  7. Ouch...I'm glad I'm not the only one who has done that. I even managed to get my finger in the bobbin of my long arm. That really chewed up my finger. Your quilting is beautiful. I always love what you do with your customer's quilts.

  8. OUCH!!! I'm sure that hurt so much!! I sliced off the tip of my finger with a rotary cutter once-- it killed!! Had to go get a tetanus shot too!!
    I hope you are feeling better- sewing must be a full contact sport!

  9. That is an awesome quilting job!!
    love how it shows up so nicely on the back!

  10. My finger hurts just from reading that! Glad you had such a good helper to patch you up :-)

  11. Sooo beautiful!!!

    I hope my quilt gets to you today...i'm beginning to panic...ok..maybe i should say i'm slightly concerned...tomorrow i'll panic!

  12. Whoa. That is totally a fear of mine! And secondly, you did an amazing job quilting that thing, it's so gorgeous!!!

  13. No fun. We do work with sharp Objects! Be careful. I like the quilting on the scrappy quilt. Makes it a lot more fancy. She has some good scraps.

  14. oh, I hope I never go through that! I think I'd pass out!!! You said it like it was just another day in sewing. You are one tough lady!!!

  15. Oh my goodness Natalia!!! I think I would have passed out. You are one tough cookie to pull the needle out of your own finger!!!

    And this quilting is so beautiful. I just love that little swirl you do in borders. I am trying to learn it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right :)

  16. ow!Reminds me of something my sister did when we were youngsters learning to sew. I use this tale to remind my children to respect the machine and tools.

    May I ask what you used for batting in this quilt?

  17. Beautiful quilt - and owwie! Glad yours turned out so well!

  18. it turned out darling! OUCH!! Thank goodness for your brother, I would have been with your little girl - not keeping the cool!

  19. Yes, the hazards of quilting. Got my first tetanus shot when I sliced off a piece of my finger with the rotaty cutter!!!

  20. Ouch my biggest fear is to do that. I have many times gotten the fingers too close and got waked by the arm going up and down. I hope I don't get to the day you were having.


  21. This is a gorgeous quilt! just out of curiosity, how much do you charge for quilting?

  22. It's beautiful! I love your quilting.

  23. Lovely quilting. hope the finger heals quickly. I've done that twice. Last time I couldn't decide how to get the needle out. While I calmed down, I photographed it and posted. Finally got up the nerve and pulled it. It didn't bleed as bad as I thought it would. Now I always watch more carefully. :0)

  24. Been there, done that. Except it broke off inside my finger and had to be surgically removed. . . pregnant. Didn't learn my lesson and still sewing recklessly 18 years later! Go for it, you only live once!

  25. Ouch! That is not a good thing to do! Glad you are better now. What gorgeous quilting you do! I always want to get a long arm machine after I see your quilts! Keep up the good work and watch those fingers. K-

  26. O wow! I've done that too and it is painful and a little scary...glad you went right back to sewing!

  27. Oh gosh! I bet that did smart. Ouch! I've never had a needle in my finger but when I was a kid I was beading and using porcupine quills. I managed to stick my thumb and never was able to get the tip out.

    Your quilting is beautiful!! One day I would love to learn.

  28. Such a wonderful quilting design. Quilting does make the quilt!

  29. Hope the finger is on the mend, sounds scary and painful. This quilting is stunning, just stunning. Great job, Well done!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  30. Sounds very ikky - sorry that happened. Great looking quilting though!


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