
We've got a new look

Did you notice?
We've got a new header.
I'm working to get everything coordinated and I'm thinking I like the new look. 
Don't you just love that pink sewing machine
Our website is currently under a little bit of construction, we're working to get it the same look as well.
In the meantime you can still save big on our fabrics, they are a steal!
Also, our Blessings quilt kits are in stock!

I also got a new look over the weekend,
It was time to go back to my natural hair color...... almost black......
and. it's. shocking.

Don't miss our sale @ Piece N Quilt!
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  1. I got my Blessings kit on Saturday... yay!!! Can't wait to get started on it tonight!

  2. everything is changing ! I say YAY! to all ! nice updated blog ; yay for blessings ! and yay for your hair ! and YAY for winter wonderland .... I may have to attempt applique , after the new year though !! Nice job on everything (I'm sure your hair is beautiful ! I just got my gray covered last week !! )

  3. I think the new look is great! And I just went back to my natural hair color. It is a shock at first, but it grew on me quickly.

  4. Love the new look!

  5. I like the new header--really special!!

    Can we see your hair now too? He,he,he:)

    Waiting patiently for the flower pattern to come out;)

  6. I like the new header! AND I like how business is progressing for you - congratulations! Your hard work is definitely paying off :)It's great seeing good things happen to good people =D

  7. Love the new header, especially the pink sewing machine. My daughter went back to her natural color a few months ago, also took out all the light highlights...it did take a while to get used to the dark hair!

  8. Love the new look! I especially love the font you used for the line that says "a mom, a pattern designer" etc. Very nice! Did you design that yourself or is that a stock font?


  9. Love the new look! Change is good! Hope all is well!
    carla louise

  10. It looks great, Natalia! You'll have to post a picture of you with your new hair :)

  11. I love the new header... sew (haha) cute!

  12. I like the new look...and the little sewing machine is adorable! I'd love to see a picture of your new hair! You can't say 'shocking' and then not show us! :)


  13. I'm with the others - pictures of the hair, please!

  14. Fab - u - lous!!! Bravo!!!

  15. The new header looks wonderful and showcases your work.


  16. It looks great, I love the sewing machine!

  17. Super cute! Do you know the name of the font you used for the words "the blog" in your header? Those teeny hearts are precious!

  18. I love the new look! (wouldn't it be cool to have a pink sewing machine in real life?)

  19. Lovely header - those quilts look so beautiful.


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