
What is your favorite THREAD?

I've been machine quilting for about three years now. When I bought my long arm machine I received a whole bunch of thread with my machine. I was never totally happy with the look and the feel of the thread. About six months later I decided to start exploring other thread choices. I bought cone after cone, spent way more money than I should have on thread and finally I ran across So Fine by Superior Threads. I FELL IN LOVE! I love the way that this thread blends as I quilt. I love that there is a huge variety in the color choices and I LOVE that I don't have issues with breaking thread!
I love this thread so much I also piece & bind everything with it!
So, do you use So Fine!?
If not what is your favorite type of thread and why?
(P.S. I was not paid to say this.)

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  1. Sew Fine is one of my favorites too!

  2. THANK YOU!!! Thank you for posting this! I have just started to quilt, and I'm not happy with my thread I am using now, and didn't know what to buy next. I'm soo glad that you posted this information!! Thank you!!

  3. i have not heard of sew fine thread. i have used Gutterman mostly, and i really like King Tut

  4. When I got my machine late 2008, I had to find a good thread. Malaysia does not carry much variety and those like Gutterman and Star (or was it Clark), its way too expensive and I do not like the look of the thread.

    I found Essential thread because it is cheap and CrazyMomQuilt use with good success, until I came to an obstacle - they do ship international. Fine.

    I joined a few Yahoo group dedicated to Janome machines and several threads (pun/no pun) on thread came up several time. I finally closed my eyes and bought twenty cones of So Fine and two of Bottom Line. And they work SUPERBLY.

    I had an issue when I was practicing the FMQ BUT that was due to the setting which I forgot to change.

  5. Aurifil...used to be Mettler...then I bought a spool of Aurifil on a dare...and haven't gone back.

  6. I use Aurifil thread. It is all-cotton, it doesn't seem to shed too much lint in the machine, and one spool seems to last FOREVER!

    So Fine sounds good, but is it polyester thread?

  7. Isn't So Fine polyester? I love it for machine quilting. I wouldn't use it for pieceing though, because I've learned from many sources of the years to not piece with anything but cotton. Have you been taught something otherwise? (I'm curious, just trying to gather info here, totally respectful of your choice, etc.) Thanks for the fun picture of that thread, makes me want to go buy more colors!

    For what it's worth, I use signature all cotton for quilting and piecing. I've found I like it just as well as anything I've used. I break a thread mabybe
    once a quilt, so I love it. Normally I have to go with "you get what you pay for" and buy the more expensive stuff, but I've loved this thread. But the So Fine is what came with my machine and I do love it.

  8. I've never heard of SoFine. Is it cotton? I'll have to check it out! I currently use Essential Thread from Connecting Threads. it's my favorite, never breaks, 100% Egyptian Cotton and a wide variety of colors. (and it's really inexpensive!)

  9. My favorite thread is a really thick variegated thread by YLI called fusions - I just bought a bunch more this week. I usually like just slightly variegated thread, and I really like the thickness, it gives much more oomph to my free motion sketching. Another subtle variegated thread is Sulky Blendables, which I also use quite a bunch of!

    I don't spend much $4 on commercial fabric anymore (just blots of PFD!) but I'm always finding a reason to buy more thread! ;-)

  10. I just wish we had more available thread here in Australia. Most shops carry Gutterman or Mettler. I have had Aurifil and really liked it, especially how it sits on the quilt when using it for quilting. I maily use Gutterman cotton thread for piecing and quilting. It does a fine job and my local shop carries a great range of colours. Sometimes you need more than your standard colours. I have never had a problem with different brands on thread in my machine but have witnessed this being a problem in some machines.

  11. What a fun post!

    I LOVE So Fine thread on the top, and "The Bottom Line" on the bobbin thread.

    I also like Aurifil - I bought some when it was on sale. It's nice, I tend to use it when I'm hand binding my quilts, because the spool is much smaller than the So Fine one!

    I have to say, I'm a little jealous of all the pretty colors of thread you have. I tend to use black or cream for all my piecing. Maybe when I perfect my free motion quilting I'll buy more thread!

  12. So Fine and King Tut are my two favorite threads! I've used other cottons, but I like King Tut the best. So Fine runs beautifully in my machine (Nolting Pro).

  13. Aurifil . . . I was challenged by Kaye England to use it and have never gone back. I use it to piece, quilt, everything! I love that I do not have to refill my bobbin so much and that it does not produce any where as much lint as some of the other threads I use to use.

  14. I use king tut sometimes, and also mettler silk covered cotton. :)

  15. i use lots of quilting.. but for piecing i stick to aurifil!

  16. Wow, reading these comments is really informative! I've always used Gutterman black or white thread, nothing else! But maybe it's time to try new threads! Do you buy SoFine online?

  17. Wow! I'm like Rita... I've always used Gutterman and have never heard of any of these other threads... of course, I also never looked - just headed over to the Gutterman stand and gotten a basic neutral. I've just gone over to the quilting side (I've been mainly focused on clothing construction in my 16 years sewing), and there's so much I didn't know. I love posts like this!


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